27 ene 2014

Upgrade #FreeBSD 8.x to #FreeBSD 9.x

Upgrade #FreeBSD 8.2 to #FreeBSD 9.0

Ref: http://www.freebsd.org/releases/9.0R/installation.html
  • 2 Upgrading FreeBSD
    • 3 Upgrading from previous releases of FreeBSD
      Ref: http://www.freebsd.org/releases/9.0R/relnotes-detailed.html#UPGRADE
      • The binary upgrade procedure will update unmodified userland utilities, as well as a unmodified GENERIC kernel distributed as a part of an official FreeBSD release.
      • Host being upgraded have Internet connectivity.
      • Upgrading FreeBSD should, of course, only be attempted after backing up all data and configuration files.
        Aquí lo que se debe rescatar son principalmente los archivos en /etc y /usr/local/etc
      • 3.2 User-visible incompatibilities
        Ref: http://www.freebsd.org/releases/9.0R/errata.html
        • 3 Open Issues
          Ref: http://www.freebsd.org/releases/9.0R/errata.html
          • In some releases prior to 9.0-RELEASE, upgrading by using freebsd-update(8) can fail.
            Ref: http://www.freebsd.org/security/advisories/FreeBSD-EN-12:01.freebsd-update.asc
            Ver --> II. Problem Description freebsd-update When this bug is triggered, updates fail with the following error message: >
            The update metadata is correctly signed, but failed an integrity check. Cowardly refusing to proceed any further. Como consecuencia los sistemas afectados no se pueden actualizar a FreeBSD 9.0 usando freebsd-update. Seguir los siguiente pasos del documento 1), 2) y 3)
            • # patch < /tmp/freebsd-update.patch
              Hmm... Looks like a unified diff to me...

              The text leading up to this was:

              |Index: usr.sbin/freebsd-update/freebsd-update.sh |=================================================================== |--- usr.sbin/freebsd-update/freebsd-update.sh (revision 226649)

              |+++ usr.sbin/freebsd-update/freebsd-update.sh (revision 226650)

              Patching file usr.sbin/freebsd-update/freebsd-update.sh using Plan A... Hunk #1 succeeded at 1185 (offset -15 lines). done
          • [amd64, i386] FreeBSD 9.0-RELEASE includes several changes to improve resource management of PCI devices.
          • A devctl(4) event upon arrival of a ugen(4) device has been changed. The event now includes ugen and cdev variables instead of device-name.
          • 9.0-RELEASE fails to configure an interface specified in the rc.conf(5) variable ipv6_prefix_IF ....
      • 3.2.2 Partition Metadata Integrity Check
        Puede suceder que se produzca el error: "GEOM_PART: Integrity check failed" de forma silenciosa y que el sistema no quiere bootear despues de upgrading a FreeBSD 9.0. En este caso seguir este punto.
      • 3.2.3 ATA/SATA subsystem now cam(4)-based
      • 3.2.4 Network Configuration Changes in /etc/rc.conf
      • 3.2.5 Openresolv and /etc/resolv.conf
      • 3.2.6 Disk Partition Management Utilities
    • 2.2 Upgrading Using “FreeBSD Update”
      freebsd-update fetch/install ya fue realizado cuando se instalo el parche.
      • # freebsd-update upgrade -r 9.0-RELEASE
        Now the freebsd-update(8) utility can fetch bits belonging to 9.0-RELEASE. During this process freebsd-update(8) will ask for help in merging configuration files.
        The following components of FreeBSD seem to be installed: kernel/generic src/base src/bin src/cddl src/contrib src/crypto src/etc src/games src/gnu src/include src/krb5 src/lib src/libexec src/release src/rescue src/sbin src/secure src/share src/sys src/tools src/ubin src/usbin world/base world/catpages world/dict world/doc world/games world/info world/manpages world/proflibs The following components of FreeBSD do not seem to be installed:
        Does this look reasonable (y/n)?
      • # freebsd-update install
        Installing updates... rmdir: ///boot/kernel: Directory not empty Kernel updates have been installed. Please reboot and run "/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install" again to finish installing updates.
      • # shutdown -r now
        The system must now be rebooted with the newly installed kernel before the non-kernel components are updated.
      • # freebsd-update install
        After rebooting, freebsd-update(8) needs to be run again to install the new userland components:
        Installing updates...rmdir: ///usr/src/usr.sbin/freebsd-update: Directory not empty rmdir: ///usr/src/usr.sbin: Directory not empty
        Completing this upgrade requires removing old shared object files. Please rebuild all installed 3rd party software (e.g., programs installed from the ports tree) and then run "/usr/sbin/freebsd-update install" again to finish installing updates.
        The easiest way to do this is to run portupgrade (if you don’t have portupgrade, install it from ‘sysutils/portupgrade’): http://goo.gl/UlVqw
      • rm /var/db/pkg/pkgdb.db && pkgdb -Ffuv && portupgrade -afp
        I added the ‘p’-flag, as this allows you to run ‘portupgrade -afP’ on other nodes (assuming you have a shared ports-tree) and just install the packages without having to re-compile them. Ref: http://goo.gl/UlVqw
      • # pkg_version -v | grep "<" | awk '{ print $1}' | xargs -J % portupgrade % &
      • # freebsd-update install
        At this point, users of systems being upgraded from FreeBSD 8.2-RELEASE or earlier will be prompted by freebsd-update(8) to rebuild all third-party applications
      • # shutdown -r now


Considerar que VMware o Xen se usan para consolidación de servidores: para aplicar una actualización de seguridad a unos 10 servidores virtuales se debe iniciar una sesión en cada uno y ejecutar el procedimiento de actualización - el mismo que se haría con diez servidores físicos.
En el caso de OpenVZ, se puede ejecutar un simple script de intérprete de comandos que actualice todo (o sólo algunos seleccionados) EVs a la vez.

Ubiquiti AirControl

El problema: 

¿Como gestionar la seguridad, acutualizaciones de firmware y tener indicadores de decenas de antenas NanoStation 5 (Ubiquiti Networks) en una red amplia ?

La solución, sin dudas debería venir de la empresa creadora del producto, buscando un poco encontré que la misma posee un soft de gestión beta centralizado que satisface aparentemente el problema - Ubiquiti AirControl -

Es hora de probarlo e ir posteando los avances, aciertos y errores. Un lugar interesante donde empezar es en estos links: